Gaabriel Becket


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Americymru member Helen Davies works for ITV local Cymru , a Welsh website which shows daily news coverage and has an archive of shows which include: "like Pobol Y Chyff with Rhys Ifans, Torri Gwynt with Dewi Pws, Ffalabalam, Miri Mawr, Ty Chwith with Wcw, Troi a Throi etc." For ease of access for our members we have embedded ITV local Cymru's broadcast page here on the site - it's in the Today tab in the navigation bar at the top of each page. Here's Helen's post on this in Cymraeg:- and a translation for people, like me, who don't speak Welsh yet:"ITV LC is a relatively new website broadcasting daily news bulletins on video, and also a number of S4C classics such as... Some new ones are added each week. Also filming events round Wales not shown anywhere else. If you have any requests for programmes from the archive or for stuff for us to film, contact... let us know what you think of the site."Hopefully this will, besides being interesting to Welsh speakers, be an aid for those of us who want to learn and don't have people around we can talk to.Thank you so much, Helen and ITV local Cymru!
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Ceri and I and a couple of our other members are on and we started an Anglo-Welsh literature group.Good reads is a networking site about books and reading - you log books you've read or are reading and can rate them and write reviews and get recommendations from other people. You can also make book groups or genre or subjects and discuss them.There doesn't appear to be any groups on there on Wales, Welsh literature or Welsh authors. Ceri started the Anglo-Welsh literature group, anyone who reads Welsh and feels like it could start a Welsh language literature group and we could even do particular author's groups. I took the liberty of creating Niall Griffiths, Rhys Hughes and Lloyd Jones groups :DIt looks like fun and I've found some books I'd like to read.
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All images and text 2008 David Western, All rights reserved unless otherwise noted

I've neared the half-way point carving the front of the Left Coast Eisteddfod lovespoon. The bowls are shaped, the vines have been formed and the leaf/star section is more-or-less complete. I'm now going to move into the Celtic knotwork section which the dragon surrounds. I just realized that the pictures in the last few blogs have all been close-ups, so I think it is a good idea to include a picture of the whole spoon to show where I'm at with it.

As you can see, having the paper pattern glued directly to the workpiece makes life so much easier than messing around with pencil lines or carbon paper tracings. Although paper can be a bit hard on the tool sharpness, I find that the odd extra trip to the sharpening bench is a small price to pay for the convenience of being able to clearly see the design as I work!

So, onto the Celtic knotwork. Once the knotwork has been sawn to rough shape (which can be a long and tedious process in itself) the actual carving is not particularly difficult. What can be a problem though is getting the overs and unders wrong and messing up the flow of the knots. To overcome the possibility of an error at this stage, I make shallow cuts which barely define the knot pattern, but leave me plenty of material should I need to reverse a section. Believe me, there is nothing more annoying, frustrating and embarassing than getting to the end of the knot and discovering there are two overs or two unders in a row. If I've cut them too deep, I'm up the creek and you can guess what kind of creek it is!

This picture shows me using a small chisel to cut a straight groove of aproximately 1/16th of an inch depth where the one section of knot passes over the other.

As before, I resist the urge to cut too deep too quickly. I then use the same chisel to cut away a small wedge-shaped slice which creates a little ramp down to the bottom of my first chisel cut. If all goes well, a little chip pops out and my cuts meet at the same lowest point.

Again, getting carried away and cutting too deep at this point of the game can have dire consequences later.

Once I have repeated this procedure throughout the entire knot and am satisfied that everything is in order with the overs and unders, I commit to deeper cuts which bring the knot to vibrant life!

Next week, I'll show how to clean up the knots and get them looking nice and smart. In the meantime, I hope you will help support the Left Coast Eisteddfod's inaugural year by donating a few dollars. Each dollar you donate will give you a chance to win this spoon but even better than that, you'll be proud to know you were right there on the ground floor, helping to build a really worthwhile cultural event!

To donate, simply click on the box next to this blog, its easy, safe and spiritually fulfilling!

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If anyone knows a frozen Welsh foods distributor who would be interested in having goods at the Left Coast Eisteddfod, the venue offered to have frozen food items they could easily prepare for sale there.The bar in the ballroom itself offers pizza, downstairs they have a full menu. We were told they would be willing to sell something Welsh especially for the event if it were easy to prepare and they could negotiate with the supplier to return what they were not able to sell. I don't know if that's a usual or good arrangement, it's just what he said. I've been looking for something in Oregon or nearby but haven't found anything. It's not something we have to have, but it would be a nice thing if it were there.If anyone is interested in this, please contact me or Ceri at
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AmeriCymru members Andy Edwards and Gareth Evans are part of a cycling team that is doing a cross-continental bicycle challenge across the southern USA to raise money for the Children's Hospital for Wales.From their blog :"This is the first and currently only children's hospital in Wales. All funds raised through this cross-continental challenge will be donated to the Noah's Ark Appeal, which was created to raise funds to make the Children's Hospital a reality, to provide a hospital dedicated to the care of children and the support of their families."The members of our team are fathers, brothers, uncles and friends of the children in our lives and we're looking to raise 50,000 on our two-week ride across the southern US. We need help. We need people to pledge donations on our web site and we need people along our route to hold fundraising events to help us make this trip a success."They'll be cycling from Oceanside, California to Saint Augustine Beach, Florida and you can see their whole planned route HERE on their blog . They're shooting to arrive in Florida on or about 03 April 2009. You can see Gareth Evans AmeriCymru interview HERE .They're taking donations in support of their challenge on their site HERE or go straight to to sponsor them.They have offers of places to stay and events, both fundraisers and just for fun, being put on for them in cities along their route but nothing at the end of the route in Florida! If you're in Florida, you're able or willing to be there for the big finish and you could put on the dog for these guys or plan an event or just welcome them to town for a beer, contact them and set it up.Please show these good and crazy boys some well-deserved, American hospitality!

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Jon Langford, a native of Newport who lives with his family in Chicago, a member of this site, posted a quiet link on his page and when I went to look at it, found that he was just in Washington, DC for President Barak Obama's inauguration and performed at an inaugural ball.

From the South Wales Argus :"AS the United States' first black President was sworn in, a Newport-born man had a ringside seat to history being made."Musician and artist Jon Langford, 51, a founder member of the punk band The Mekons, had played at a Washington DC ball to celebrate Barack Obama's inauguration the night before, and had a seat at the event being watched by millions of people around the world."..."Mr Langford performed six hours of country-punk with his current band the Waco Brothers in a sell-out event celebrating Obamas links with Chicago."'The concert was incredible and an illustration of how things are changing. I performed with blues singer David Honeyboy Edwards, whos 94. God knows what things were like when he was a kid,' said Mr Langford."Read the rest of this really fantastic article and what Jon Langford says about the experience HERE .

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The neglected Americymru store

By gaabi, 2009-01-21
We have a store, I made it a long time ago on and I've hardly touched it since. Ned Phillips was kind enough to go in there and buy something and this reminded me that it was there and probably needed dusting and things. Sure enough, it's a bit sad in there. I made an Uncle Dai t-shirt and buttons and I'm looking at ways to improve it. Is there anything anyone would like to see in an AmeriCymru store? If so, what would it be?
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Americymru discussion group created by Beryl Richards on Prince Madoc: The Madoc Enigma - an Introduction by Beryl RichardsThe mysterious legend of Prince Madoc Ap Owain Gwynnedd exists on both sides of the Atlantic which has yet to be taken seriously. The following article is only a taster of the adventure. Zella Armstrong of the Daughters of the American Revolution has written a detailed history published during the 1950's, and the Plaque unveiled at Mobile Bay stating that Prince Madoc had landed there was removed, and became the result of an international internet campaign to reinstate it Janice Gattis of the Alabahma Welsh Association was instrumental in running the campaign which was well supported both by American and Welsh ex pats and natives of Wales.There is so much to discover. I have been on a fascinating journey into both my own Welsh history and the story which continued from Mobile into the American interior. Does anyone wish to share my fascination with this mysterious enigma..................... Join us on the journey!For further information please read "The Madoc Enigma" by Bee Richards HERE .
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